Early Games

The table below provides a chronology of the earliest documented baseball games played by Canadian teams, whether played in Canada or otherwise. It is primarily the fruits of the research of CCBR Director Martin Lacoste, augmented by the contributions and commentary of CCBR Director Bill Humber and Ottawa researcher Steve Rennie. Research covers all years through 1870, i.e. before the advent of the organized professional era with the National Association in 1871. Supporting documentation is included via links to the appropriate source in the BOX column; commentary and discussion can be found through similar links in the NOTES column. Discussion covers such issues as the rules under which the game seems to have been played, e.g. the New York rules or the rules of the 11-man “Canadian baseball”.

Please note that this table is a work in progress. Corrections and additions, preferably accompanied by underlying source documentation, are welcomed, especially for games played outside Ontario (Canada West).


BC        Buffalo Courier
BCOM Buffalo Commercial
BDC     Buffalo Daily Courier
BME    Buffalo Morning Express

CG       Canadian Gleaner

DFP     Detroit Free Press
GA       Guelph Advertiser
GEM    Guelph Evening Mercury
GH       Guelph Herald
GM      Guelph Mercury
GWM   Guelph Weekly Mercury
G&M    Toronto Globe
HS        Hamilton Spectator
HT        Hamilton Times
HWS    Hamilton Weekly Spectator
HWT    Hamilton Weekly Times
IC         Ingersoll Chronicle

KBW   Kingston Weekly British Whig

LFP      London Free Press

MA      Mitchell Advocate and County of Perth General Advertiser

MES    Montreal Evening Star

MG      Montreal Gazette

MH      Montreal Herald and Daily Commercial Gazette

NYC     New York Clipper
NYSM  New York Sunday Mercury

ODC     Ottawa Daily Citizen

ODJ      Ogdensburg Daily Journal

OIS       Orleans Independent Standard

OT        Ottawa Times

REE      Rochester Evening Express
SDC     Syracuse Daily Courier
SDS      Syracuse Daily Standard

VC        Weekly British Colonist and Victoria Chronicle

VET      Victoria Evening Telegraph

WSOT  Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times

1856Sep 15LondonDelaware34-33London2 innings. DiscussionNYC
1858Jul 03   BuffaloBase Ball Club of Hamilton at Buffalo Base Ball Club. First mention of cross-border play between Canadians and Americans. BCOM 
1858Aug 13West (Hamilton)East (Hamilton)115-53HamiltonDiscussionHS
1858Aug 18Hamilton Young CanadiansHamilton Burlingtons HamiltonPreviewed HS. 
1859May 24Toronto Young CanadiansHamilton Young Americans68-41Hamilton1st game(?) under NY rules; nothing in HT (though a cricket score and quoits score are recorded). DiscussionNYC, HT
1860Jul 04Woodstock Young CanadiansOlympic? From NYSM (RIM) 
1860Jul 18Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Rough and Readys83-59Ingersoll‘Canadian’ rules. DiscussionNYC
1860Jul 25Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Rough and Readys100-58Woodstock NYC
1860Aug 11Prescott GreenvillesPrescott Victorias32-11Prescott NYC
1860Aug 17Buffalo Queen CityHamilton Burlingtons30-25Clifton (now Niagara Falls, Ont.)First match between U.S. and Canada teams. DiscussionBME
1860Aug 29Buffalo NiagarasHamilton Young Canadians87-13Hamilton BDC
1860Sep 09Prescott GreenvillesOgdensburg Empires23-16Prescott3 inningsNYC
1860Sep 28Buffalo NiagarasHamilton Young Canadians46-15BuffaloSays Toronto, but must be Hamilton team.BDC
1860Oct 02Prescott GreenvillesSpencerville Unions101-21Prescott NYC
1861 GuelphFlamborough27-27 First game played by Guelph Maple Leafs. Discussion 
1861Jun 03Woodstock Young CanadianWoodstock picked nine10-7WoodstockFirst match played there under NY rules.NYC
1861Jun 14Burlington – BachelorsBurlington – Benedicts77-43Burlington HT, HS
1861Jun 28Burlington – BachelorsBurlington – Benedicts63-54Burlington HT, HS
1861Jul 12BurlingtonBarton56-45Burlington HT, HS
1861Jul 20Greenville – Waugh’s sideGreenville – Langhorn’s side27-11Prescott NYC
1861Jul 30Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Burlingtons33-27Hamilton NYC, HT, HS
1861Aug 06Bowmanville Live OaksPort Hope Mechanics88-66Port Hope NYC
1861Aug 09BurlingtonBarton42-24Barton HT, HS
1861Aug 20BurlingtonHamilton Maple Leafs42-40 7 innings (darkness)HT, HS
1861Aug 23BurlingtonDetroit55-52Detroit HS, DFP
1861Sep 03Woodstock Young CanadiansHamilton Maple Leafs24-22Hamilton2:45NYC, HT
1861~Sep 24Hamilton Maple LeafsWoodstock Young Canadians41-14Woodstock  
1862 Hamilton Maple LeafsGuelph  ‘more than balanced the score’ 
1862Apr 28Woodstock Y.C. (McWhinnie’s side)Woodstock Y.C. (Wilson’s side)12-11Woodstock NYC
1862Jun 20BurlingtonBarton28-27  HT, HS
1862Jul 08BartonWest Flamboro83-26West Flamboro HT, HS
1862Jul 11Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Burlingtons9-0HamiltonForfeitHT
1862Aug 01Hamilton Maple LeafsBarton57-28Barton HT, HS
1862Aug 10Woodstock Young CanadiansHamilton Maple Leafs41-14Woodstock HT
1862Aug 23West FlamboroHamilton Union30-10Hamilton HS
1862Sep 05BartonWest Flamboro36-17  HT, HS
1862Sep 18West FlamboroHamilton Union28-11West Flamboro HT, HS
1862Sep 30Hamilton Maple LeafsBarton?BurlingtonSee HT 62Sep29. 
1863Jul 03Hamilton Maple LeafsBarton28-24  HT
1863Jul 14Woodstock Young CanadiansDetroit – Brother Jonathan Club29-6Detroit DFP
1863Jul 31Hamilton Maple Leafs (Non-Volunteers)Hamilton Maple Leafs (Volunteers)27-21Hamilton HT, HS
1863Aug 17Saint-Jean volunteer soldiersBattalion of Montreal Artillery Saint-Jean-sur-RichelieuMH 63Aug20. 
1863Aug 25Hamilton Maple Leafs (Single)Hamilton Maple Leafs (Married)54-36Hamilton HT
1863Sep 01Woodstock Young CanadiansHamilton Maple Leafs41-25Hamilton HT, HS
1863Sep 15Woodstock Young CanadiansHamilton Maple Leafs26-12Woodstock HT, HS
1863Oct 01Hamilton Maple LeafsBarton28-27Hamilton HT, HS
1864Jun 29BartonHamilton Maple Leaf39-36Hamilton HT, HWT
1864Jul 28Hamilton Maple LeafBarton31-18  HT
1864Jul 29Guelph Maple LeafsHamilton Maple Leafs15-13HamiltonMentioned also in GM 27Jun20, which gives year as 1863.GM, HWT
1864Aug 15Woodstock Young CanadiansHamilton Maple Leafs30-2WoodstockSilver Ball game? G&M 64Aug24.NYC, HT, HWT
1864Aug 22FlamboroGuelph13-10Guelph GM, HT
1864Aug 23Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias37-12Woodstock NYC
1864Sep 15BartonFlamboro39-25Barton HT, HWT
1864Sep 19FlamboroGuelph Maple Leafs22-12Guelph GM, HT, HWT
1864Sep 22Brooklyn AtlanticsWoodstock Young Canadians75-11Rochester NYC, REE
1864Sep 24Toronto TorontosHamilton Maple Leafs148-139TorontoFrom WSOT (10/8). Discussion 
1864Sep 30Western (Ingersoll)Eastern (Flamboro)19-15 ~All-Star gameHT, HWT
1865May 05Hamilton Maple Leafs (Shuttleworth Nine)Hamilton Maple Leafs (Cooper nine)34-21Hamilton5 inningsHT
1865May 24Hamilton Maple Leafs (Knight nine)Hamilton Maple Leafs (Shuttleworth nine)30-27HamiltonQueen’s BirthdayHT
1865Jun 15GuelphNiagara City Club44-3Niagara5 inningsGM
1865Jun 27Hamilton Maple LeafsWest Flamboro34-11Hamilton HT
1865Jun 29Guelph Maple Leafs (9 single)Guelph Maple Leafs (6 married)50-25Guelph GM
1865Jun 30West FlamboroBarton35-17  HT
1865Jul 17HamiltonGuelph25-15GuelphGWM and HT list different batting orders.GWM, HT
1865Jul 24Guelph (1st nine)Victoria+7Guelph GM
1865Jul 24HamiltonGuelph (2nd nine)+33Hamilton GM
1865Jul 26Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias69-40WoodstockFor the championship and the Silver BallIC
1865Jul 27Hamilton Maple Leafs (2nd nine)Hamilton Stars (1st nine)36-18Hamilton HT
1865Aug 02Hamilton Maple LeafsNiagara30-17Niagara HT
1865Aug 02Hamilton Star (1st nine)Hamilton Defiance (1st nine)38-14Hamilton HT
1865Aug 03Woodstock Young CanadiansNiagara City102-37Niagara CityMentioned HT 65Aug05.NYC
1865Aug 07Guelph (3rd nine)Victoria33-16Guelph GM
1865Aug 15WoodstockNewcastle Beavers80-28Woodstock HT, GM
1865Aug 16Hamilton Maple LeafsNewcastle Beavers35-20Hamilton HT
1865Aug 17West FlamboroGuelph Maple Leafs21-19West Flamboro GM
1865Aug 30Hamilton Maple LeafIngersoll Victoria26-24HamiltonMentioned HT 65Aug25.HT
1865Sep 01FlamboroGuelph Maple Leafs17-14GuelphHT describes meeting of Maple Leaf B.B.C.HT, GM
1865Sep 07Montreal Volunteer Cavalry officersMontreal Volunteer Cavalry troopers Rivieres des PrairiesNo. 2 Troop of Montreal Volunteer Cavalry. Rivieres des Prairies is called Back River in English. MH 65Sep07. 
1865Sep 08Hamilton Maple LeafsDundas  Mentioned HT 65Aug30. 
1865Sep 11Hamilton Stars (1st nine)Hamilton Maple Leafs (2nd nine)31-16Hamilton HT
1865Sep 13Hamilton Maple LeafsLockport NY LockportMentioned HT 65Aug30. 
1865Sep 15Hamilton Maple LeafsDundas Mechanics36-28Hamilton HT
1865Sep 18Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Cricketers58-7Hamilton HT
1865Sep 20Hamilton Maple LeafsWoodstock Young Canadians(9-0)LondonForfeit; dispute over type of ball. See HT 65Sep20. 
1865Oct 10Barton & West FlamboroHamilton Maple Leafs  Announcement of Silver Cup matchHT
1865Oct 18Barton & FlamboroHamilton Maple Leafs24-17HamiltonSilver Cup matchHT, HWT
1866May 17Hamilton Maple Leafs nineHamilton Maple Leafs nine35-22Hamilton HT
1866Jul 04Guelph Maple Leafs (1st nine)Flamboro Live Oaks (1st nine)32-12FlamboroSee GM 66Jul05. 
1866Jul 04Flamboro (2nd nine)Guelph (2nd nine)+21FlamboroSee GM 66Jul05. 
1866Jul 10Ingersoll Victoria Wood and Iron MenIngersoll Victoria Leather Men71-50Ingersoll IC
1866Jul 24Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victoria65-53Ingersoll IC
1866Jul 30Woodstock Young CanadiansDundas Mechanics98-50Woodstock NYC
1866Jul 30WoodstockDundas98-48WoodstockSee HT 66Jul31. Championship of Western Canada. 
1866Aug 07Hamilton Young CanadiansDundas Independents45-10HamiltonSee HT 66Aug08. 
1866Aug 08NewcastleHamilton Maple Leafs75-44NewcastleSee HT 66Aug09. 
1866Aug 14Hamilton Maple LeafsIngersoll Victorias45-17Hamilton HT
1866Sep01Woodstock Grammar SchoolIngersoll Grammar School WoodstockIC 66Sep07. 
1866Sep04Woodstock Young CanadiansDundas Independent+9WoodstockIC 66Sep07. 
1866Sep 28East (Hamilton)West (Ingersoll)25-21Hamilton G&M, HT
1866Oct 03WoodstockDundas+11WoodstockSilver Ball game. See HT 66Oct04. 
1866Oct 05UnionGuelph Maple Leafs56-28GuelphSee GM 66Oct11. 
1866Oct 07Victoria Olympics First NineVictoria Olympics Second Nine34-24VictoriaVET. Appears to be earliest recorded game for Olympics. Earliest game listed on Protoball site is 20Oct1866 against cricket club. 
1866Oct 10WoodstockWest Flamboro+15WoodstockSilver Ball Championship of Western Canada. See HT 66Oct11. 
1866Oct 13VictoriaOlympic BBC23-17VictoriaVC 66Oct16. 
1866Nov 10VictoriaOlympic BBC+30VictoriaVC 66Nov13. 
1866Nov 24Olympic BBCCity BBC VictoriaVC 66Nov27. 
1867Jun 14Guelph Maple LeafsFlamboro Live Oak58-40GuelphSee GH 67Jun18. 
1867Jun 21Ingersoll “Always Ready”Woodstock Atlantics91-31Woodstock IC
1867Jul 12Ingersoll VictoriasHamilton Maple Leafs109-53IngersollMentioned HT 67Jul13IC
1867Jul 24Hamilton IndependentHamilton Eagles52-47Hamilton HT
1867Jul 24Ingersoll “Always Ready”Woodstock Atlantics52-43Ingersoll IC
1867Jul 26Dundas Independents (1st nine)Guelph Unions (1st nine)+27DundasSee GM 67Jul23 and 27 
1867Jul 26Dundas Independents (2nd nine)Guelph Unions (2nd nine)+16 See GM 67Jul23 and 27 
1867Aug 07Hamilton EaglesHamilton Independents47-33Hamilton HT
1867Aug 08Guelph Maple LeafsHamilton Maple Leafs62-17HamiltonCalled draw as Guelph caught last train.GM, HS
1867Aug 12Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Stars35-31Hamilton HT, HS
1867Aug 12Hamilton Independent (2nd nine)Hamilton Stars (2nd nine)129-73Hamilton8 innings; darkness. See HT 67Aug13. 
1867Aug 14Hamilton Independent (2nd nine)Hamilton Stars (2nd nine)118-49Hamilton HS
1867Aug 15Hamilton Maple LeafPort Huron Welkin19-10DetroitTournament (67Aug31 NYC); 3 innings. Postponement from previous day (DFP).HS, DFP
1867Aug 15Allegheny AllegheniesWoodstock Young Canadians55-35DetroitTournament. Mentioned in HS 67Aug16. See NYC 67Aug31.DFP
1867Aug 15Ingersoll VictoriasAnn Arbor juniors40-25DetroitTournament. Mentioned in HS 67Aug16. 
1867Aug 15Hamilton StarsHamilton Eagles77-56Hamilton HS
1867Aug 16Jackson UnknownsHamilton Maple Leafs55-38DetroitTournamentDFP
1867Aug 16Ann ArborIngersoll Victorias23-19DetroitTournament. See NYC 67Aug31.DFP
1867Aug 17Ingersoll VictoriasWayne Unions40-18DetroitTournamentDFP
1867Aug 19Ingersoll VictoriasSt. John’s Monitors41-14DetroitTournament. See NYC 67Aug31.DFP
1867Aug 20Ingersoll VictoriasDetroit Alerts63-19DetroitTournament. Hamilton Maple Leaf finish 3rd (DFP)DFP
1867Aug 23London Forest City “nine”London Forest City “fourteen”+60LondonSee LFP 67Aug24. 
1867Aug 26Guelph Unions (2nd nine)Dundas Independents (2nd nine)119-57Guelph7 innings. See GM 67Aug27. 
1867Aug 30OgdensburgOttawa141-20OgdensburgODJ 67Aug30. Discussion 
1867Sep 06London Forest CityLondon BBC59-37London LFP
1867Sep 14AberfoyleGuelph Grammar School Club71-59Aberfoyle GM
1867Sep 16London Forest CityLondon BBC56-41LondonWeather postponement from Sep13.LFP
1867Sep 18Guelph Maple LeafsDundas Mechanics’ Club64-24Guelph GM
1867Sep 18Dundas IndependentsWoodstock Young Canadians DundasFor championship bat. See HT 67Sep20. 
1867Sep 18Embro OntarioBeachville Royals49-45BeachvilleIC 67Sep19. 
1867Sep 21Victoria BBC “Pretty Nine”Victoria BBC “Ugly Beauties”+21VictoriaPreview VC 67Sep24, Recap VC 67Sep24. 
1867Sep 23Guelph UnionGuelph Maple Leafs (2nd nine)+67GuelphSee GM 67Sep24. 
1867Oct 29Hamilton Maple LeafsDetroit39-37Hamilton HT
1868 Hamilton StarsHamilton Golden Leaf63-29 From NYC 68Nov21. 
1868 Dundas IndependentHamilton Stars68-43 From NYC 68Nov21. 
1868May 23Guelph UnionAberfoyle52-50Guelph GM
1868May 23Guelph Maple LeafsDundas Independents54-8Guelph GM
1868May 29Black Rock FrontierFort Erie International45-14Fort Erie BC
1868Jun 05Hamilton StarsHamilton Actives29-13HamiltonFrom NYC 68Nov21. 
1868Jun 09Black Rock FrontierSt. Catharines Frontiers49-23Niagara FallsTournament. Mentioned BC 68Jun11. 
1868Jun 10Black Rock FrontierHamilton Stars25-13Niagara FallsTournamentBC, BME, HT
1868Jun 11Buffalo PerewsHamilton Stars30-21Niagara FallsTournamentBC, BME
1868Jun 13Guelph UnionGalt Grand River Club126-26GaltMentioned GH 68Jul21, GM 68Jun15. 
1868Jun 15Brooklyn AtlanticsWoodstock Young Canadians30-17Niagara FallsTournament; 5 innings. Announced in BC, BME 68Jun15.BC, NYC, GM, HT
1868Jun 26Hamilton StarsHamilton Maple Leaf49-39 From NYC 68Nov21.HT
1868Jun 27Huntingdon CrescentDurham Rough and Ready42-22Huntingdon12 men a side. CG 68Jun26, CG 68Jun27. 
1868Jul 01Hamilton StarsHamilton Ontario64-40 From NYC 68Nov21. 
1868Jul 01OgdensburgOttawa+8OttawaODJ 68Jul01. 
1868Jul 01Fort Erie International ClubBlack Rock Frontier Club Fort ErieKBW 68Jul09. International match; Black Rock is now a suburb of Buffalo. 
1868Jul 01Ingersoll VictoriaLondon Tecumseh53-45London IC
1868Jul 07Woodstock Young CanadiansGuelph Maple Leafs+2WoodstockSilver Ball. See HT 68Jul09, GH 68Jul14. 
1868Jul 14Hamilton Maple Leafs (2nd nine)Hamilton Actives (2nd nine)56-38Hamilton HT
1868Jul 16Guelph UnionGalt Grand River Club71-43Guelph GH
1868Jul 17Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Stars67-34Hamilton HT, HS
1868Jul 17London Tecumsehs second nineStrathroy Excelsiors56-14StrathroySee LFP 68Jul18. 
1868Jul 23Ingersoll VictoriasLondon Tecumsehs54-27Ingersoll LFP
1868Jul 29Woodstock Young CanadiansLondon Tecumsehs89-46Woodstock5 hours.LFP
1868Jul 31Victoria BBCUSS Pensacola71-46Victoria6 1/2 innings.VC
1868Aug 04Woodstock Young CanadiansGuelph Maple Leafs36-28WoodstockSilver BallGH, GM
1868Aug 04London Tecumsehs 1st nineLondon Tecumsehs 2nd nine18-15London5 innings (darkness). See LFP 68Aug05, LFP 68Aug06. 
1868Aug 06London TecumsehsSt. Thomas Eries67-53St. ThomasSee LFP 68Aug07. 
1868Aug 10Hamilton ActivesHamilton Maple Leafs60-58HamiltonSee also HT 68Aug11.HS
1868Aug 10Hamilton StarsHamilton Golden Leafs63-27HamiltonSee HT 68Aug11. 
1868Aug 10Beaver BBC CanadiansBeaver BBC Old Country97-44HamiltonSee HT 68Aug11. 
1868Aug 10DefianceOak Leaf83-62HamiltonSee HT 68Aug11. 
1868Aug 11Ingersoll VictoriasWoodstock Young Canadians WoodstockFor Silver Ball and championship. Postponed rain (IC 68Aug20). See HT 68Aug11. 
1868Aug 11Ingersoll VictoriasStrathroy Excelsiors82-24StrathroySee IC 68Aug20. 
1868Aug 12London TecumsehsIngersoll Victorias26-25 Mentioned HT 68Aug13, IC 68Aug13, IC 68Aug20. Fan behaviour commentary IC 68Aug13. 
1868Aug 13Ingersoll VictoriasSt. Thomas Eries50-28St. ThomasSee IC 68Aug20. 
1868Aug 14Guelph UnionAberfoyle54-38Aberfoyle GH, GM
1868Aug 18Ingersoll VictoriasWoodstock Young Canadians49-23WoodstockFor Silver Ball and championship. 6 innings. See IC 68Aug20, GM 68Aug22. 
1868Aug 19Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias42-34IngersollFor Silver Ball and championship. See IC 68Aug20, GM 68Aug22. 
1868Aug 21Hamilton ActivesHamilton Maple Leafs58-48Hamilton HT, HS
1868Aug 21OgdensburgNew Dominion (Ottawa)53-19OgdensburgODJ68Aug22 
1868Aug 22Guelph Maple Leafs (2nd nine)Acton Hunkidoras113-13Acton GM
1868Aug 22Galt Grand River Club (2nd nine)Aberfoyle (2nd nine)76-62  GM
1868Aug 22AberfoyleGalt Grand River Club73-43Galt GM
1868Aug 25Hamilton StarsBuffalo Frank Perews54-34HamiltonFrom NYC 68Nov21.HT, HS
1868Aug 28Hamilton Maple LeafsHamilton Actives90-36Hamilton HT, HS
1868Sep 01Ingersoll VictoriasWoodstock Young Canadians34-28Woodstock10 innings. For Silver Ball and championship of Canada. See GH 68Sep15, GM 68Sep04.IC
1868Sep 04Hamilton Maple LeafsOntario101-23Hamilton HT, HS
1868Sep 04Ingersoll VictoriasSt. Thomas Eries IngersollSee IC 68Sep10. 
1868Sep 07AberfoyleGuelph Maple Leafs41-29Guelph GM
1868Sep 07Ingersoll VictoriasTilsonburg109-35TilsonburgSee IC 68Sep10. 
1868Sep 10Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias43-30WoodstockSee GH 68Sep15. Mentioned IC 68Sep10.IC
1868Sep 11London TecumsehsHamilton Maple Leafs69-15London HT
1868Sep 19Guelph Maple LeafsElora65-16Elora8 innings.GM
1868Sep 21Woodstock AtlanticsIngersoll Always Ready Club34-24 Mentioned in GM 68Sep28. 
1868Sep 22Buffalo Frank PerewsHamilton Stars21-15Niagara Falls6 innings. Mentioned in HS 68Sep19, NYC 68Nov21.HT, BC, BME
1868Sep 22DundasLondon Tecumsehs57-26DundasSee HS 68Sep23. 
1868Sep 23Hamilton StarsSt. Catharines Mechanics43-33 See HS 68Sep19, NYC 68Nov21. HS names Frontiers, not Mechanics. 
1868Sep 24Hamilton StarsWoodstock Mutuals59-13HamiltonSee HS 68Sep19, NYC 68Nov21. 
1868Sep 29Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias  Previewed GH 68Sep22. 
1868Oct 03Guelph Maple LeafsElora129-8Guelph GM
1868Oct 10Newcastle BeaversBowmanville Live Oaks51-41NewcastleG&M 68Oct12. 
1869May 01VictoriaCollegiate School81-34VictoriaVC 69May02. 
1869May 08Victoria OlympicCollegiate Nine81-45VictoriaVC 69May08. 
1869May 21Hamilton Golden LeafHamilton Star55-44HamiltonSee G&M 69May27. 
1869May 24Dundas IndependentsHamilton Star Hamilton“For a silver cup” (G&M 69May27). 
1869May 31Newcastle Beavers (smokers)Newcastle Beavers (non-smokers)45-39NewcastleG&M 69May31. 
1869Jun 08Newcastle Beavers (non-smokers)Newcastle Beavers (smokers)49-47NewcastleG&M 69Jun09. 
1869Jun 12St. Lawrence BBCMontreal BBC44-23MontrealPossibly earliest game played in Montreal (2 weeks before Protoball entry). MES 69Jun14. 
1869Jun 17Guelph Maple Leafs (smokers)Guelph Maple Leafs (non-smokers)37-27GuelphSee GM 69Jun18. 
1869Jun 18Woodstock Atlantic JuniorsPicked Nine28-15WoodstockG&M 69Jun19. 
1869Jun 22Woodstock Young CanadiansWoodstock Atlantic Juniors59-25Woodstock5 innings. See G&M 69Jun23. 
1869Jun 25Guelph Maple LeafsAberfoyle66-44GuelphSee GM 69Jun26. 
1869Jun 26Montreal BBCGrand Duchess BBC32-22MontrealProtoball entry. 6 innings, at the old cricket ground. MES 69Jun28. 
1869Jun 28Woodstock Atlantic JuniorsWoodstock Young Canadians25-24WoodstockMentioned in GM 69Jun29. 
1869Jun 29AberfoyleFlamboro Albertown41-21Aberfoyle GEM
1869Jun 30St. Catharines FrontiersLondon Tigers91-40WoodstockWoodstock tournament. See G&M 69Jul03.LFP
1869Jun 30St. Lawrence BBCBradley BBC MontrealSt. Catherine St. grounds.  MES 69Jun29. 
1869Jul 01Woodstock Atlantic JuniorsSt. Thomas Eries32-21WoodstockWoodstock tournament. Mentioned in LFP 69Jul03. 
1869Jul 01Ingersoll VictoriasLondon Tecumsehs67-56WoodstockWoodstock tournament.LFP
1869Jul 01Woodstock AtlanticsSt. Catharines Frontiers41-22WoodstockWoodstock tournament. See G&M 69Jul03. 
1869Jul 01St. Thomas EriesLondon Tigers48-7WoodstockWoodstock tournament. See G&M 69Jul03. 
1869Jul 01Buffalo NiagarasDundas Independents+36DundasSee G&M 69Jul03. 
1869Jul 02Guelph Maple LeafsWoodstock Young Canadians57-38WoodstockWoodstock tournament. Mentioned in GM 69Jul03, and in LFP 69Jul03 (21-run margin). See also G&M 69Jul03. 
1869Jul 02London TigersSt. Thomas Eries?WoodstockWoodstock tournament. Mentioned in LFP 69Jul03. Withdrawn by mutual consent after 3 innings, Eries winning. 
1869Jul 02Woodstock AtlanticsSt. Catharines Frontiers?WoodstockWoodstock tournament. Mentioned in LFP 69Jul03. Woodstock wins “by a few runs”. 
1869Jul 03Ingersoll VictoriasGuelph Maple Leafs45-34WoodstockWoodstock tournament first prize. Previewed G&M 69Jul03. Guelph wins 2nd prize tea set; see GM 69Jul05. 
1869Jul 24Victoria OlympicDominion Club71-40Victoria VC
1869Jul 28St. Lawrence BBCMontreal BBC111-30MontrealAt the Lacrosse Grounds. MG 69Jul29, MES 69Jul29. 
1869Jul 29Dundas IndependentsLondon Tecumsehs43-18LondonSee NYC 69Aug14.LFP
1869Jul 29London TigersSt. Marys Young Atlantics51-24LondonNYC 69Aug14 gives 21-run margin.LFP
1869Jul 30Woodstock Young CanadiansDundas Independents30-29Woodstock4 hours. See NYC 69Aug14. 
1869Aug 04London Tecumsehs second nineSt. Marys Young Atlantics76-37St. Marys LFP
1869Aug 09Rouses’ PointMontreal Base Ball Club43-31 ODC 69Aug10. Rouses’ Point is a village in New York state near the Quebec border. 
1869Aug 10Woodstock Young CanadiansSt. Catharines Stars40-37St. Catharines  
1869Aug 11St. Catharines FrontiersWoodstock Atlantics59-49   
1869Aug 11London TecumsehsHamilton Maple Leafs70-43Hamilton LFP
1869Aug 11London Eagle BBCLincoln Club59-26London“Colored” Club. See LFP 69Aug13. 
1869Aug 16London Wide AwakesLondon Colored Club26-10London“Colored” Club. See LFP 69Aug17. 
1869Aug 19Hook and Ladder CompanySteamer Company+16LondonFire Brigade Teams. See LFP 69Aug20. 
1869Aug 20Brooklyn EckfordsWoodstock Young Canadians29-16Buffalo8 innings. BC 69Aug21NYC
1869Aug 21St. John CrescentMontreal BBC+11MontrealAt Montreal Lacrosse Grounds. St. John is Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu. MH 69Aug20, MH 69Aug23. 
1869Aug 23London Morning StarsLondon Wide Awakes25-24LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 24St. Thomas StarsStrathroy Albions67-24LondonTournament. 8 innings.LFP
1869Aug 24St. Marys BeaversLondon O.K.s79-68LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 24Woodstock AtlanticsSt. Thomas Eries52-22LondonTournament. 6 innings.LFP
1869Aug 25Hamilton ExcelsiorsHamilton Ontarios38-33LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 25St. Marys BeaversLondon Morning Stars46-23LondonTournament. See LFP 69Aug26. 
1869Aug 25Guelph Maple LeafsIngersoll Victorias76-32LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 25London TigersStrathroy Excelsiors61-25LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 26Woodstock AtlanticsLondon Tigers63-20LondonTournament. 7 innings.LFP
1869Aug 26St. Marys BeaversSt. Thomas Stars55-43LondonTournament. St. Marys wins 3rd class.LFP
1869Aug 26Guelph Maple LeafsWoodstock Young Canadians30-16LondonTournament. 8 innings. Guelph wins 1st class.LFP
1869Aug 27Detroit RialtosLondon Goodwills33-20LondonTournament. 2 “colored” teams, a first in Canada. See LFP 69Aug28, LFP 69Sep01. Discussion. 
1869Aug 27Woodstock AtlanticsHamilton Excelsiors70-19LondonTournament. Woodstock wins 2nd class.LFP
1869Aug 27London Morning StarsSt. Thomas Stars58-34LondonTournament. 6 innings.LFP
1869Aug 28Hamilton ExcelsiorsLondon Tecumsehs 2nd nine59-43LondonTournament.LFP
1869Aug 28Woodstock Young CanadiansIngersoll Victorias70-24LondonTournament. 7 innings.LFP
1869Sep 04Crescent of St. JohnMontreal St. Lawrence69-37?First interprovincial match? NYC 69Sep25. 
1869Sep 15Queen City of BuffaloOntarios of Hamilton23-18Hamilton6 innings. Shuttleworth umpire.NYC
1869Sep 24Guelph Maple LeafsLondon Tecumsehs43-20LondonSilver Ball matchNYC
1869Oct 01London Tecumseh BenedictsLondon Tecumseh Bachelors37-34London7 1/2 innings. See LFP 69Oct02. 
1869Mid-OctNewcastle BeaversCobourg Victoria41-28NewcastleOT 69Oct22. 
1870May 18Rockford Forest CityHamilton Maple Leafs65-3HamiltonSee BC 70May20. 
1870May 24Red StockingsCommercial College Club27-25London LFP
1870May 24London Young MechanicsLondon O.K.s38-36London LFP
1870May 24London Morning StarsSt. Thomas picked nine29-20St. Thomas LFP
1870May 25St. Catharines FrontiersHamilton Mutuals38-35HamiltonUnion ChampionshipHWT
1870Jun 01London TecumsehsLondon Morning Stars43-21London LFP
1870Jun 04London O.K.sLondon Hellmuth College Club LondonSee LFP 70Jun06. 
1870Jun 13St. Marys BeaversLondon Morning Stars33-28London LFP
1870Jun 14Hamilton MechanicsHamilton Maple Leafs88-55Hamilton HWT
1870Jun 14Brampton MechanicsBrampton Maple Leafs+20BramptonG&M 70Jun15. 
1870Jun 17Hamilton MutualsHamilton Maple Leafs9-0HamiltonForfeit; score after 10 was 24-24.NYC
1870Jun 17London O.K.sLondon Young Mechanics27-25London LFP
1870Jun 29Guelph Maple LeafsAberfoyle64-23GuelphSilver Ball match.NYC, GA
1870Jul 01Woodstock Young CanadiansLondon Tecumsehs62-28LondonSee LFP 70Jul04. 
1870Jul 01London Young MechanicsSt. Marys Beavers+7St. Marys5 innings. See LFP 70Jul04. 
1870Jul 01London Morning StarsStrathroy Excelsiors+24StrathroySee LFP 70Jul04. 
1870Jul 08Seaforth UnionAinleyville Maitland44-33Ainleyville MA
1870Jul 13London TecumsehsWoodstock Young Canadians53-46Woodstock LFP
1870Jul 15Acton PastimesMilton Sycamores62-18?Acton GEM
1870Jul 15Acton PastimesBrampton Mechanics18-1?Acton GEM
1870Jul 18London TecumsehsLondon Cricket Club35-14London6 innings. See LFP 70Jul19. 
1870Jul 19London Morning StarsLondon O.K.s30-14London LFP
1870Jul 19Toronto DauntlessHamilton Ontarios50-33Toronto NYC
1870Jul 23London TwilightsLondon Unions44-43LondonSee LFP 70Jul25. 
1870Jul 27Guelph Maple LeafsDundas Independents24-22Guelph10 innings. Silver Ball match.NYC, GA
1870Aug 01Ainleyville MaitlandSeaforth Union+22SeaforthMA 70Aug05. 
1870Aug 02London Young EckfordsStrathroy Excelsiors69-28StrathroySee LFP 70Aug03. 
1870Aug 05London O.K.sSt. Thomas Eurekas74-48London LFP
1870Aug 05Mount ForestFergus+15Fergus8 innings (rain). G&M 70Aug06. 
1870Aug 11London Young EckfordsLondon Tigers54-35LondonSee LFP 70Aug12. 
1870Aug 12WroxeterBluevale  OT 70Aug19. 
1870Aug 13ActonMilton MiltonOT 70Aug19. 
1870Aug 16Hespeler StarsWaterloo Prince Arthurs55-31Hespeler GA
1870Aug 16Guelph Maple LeafsWoodstock Young Canadians34-13GuelphSilver Ball matchNYC, GA
1870Aug 18FergusMount Forest+9Mount ForestG&M 70Aug19. 
1870Aug 19Dundee IndependentsHamilton Maple Leafs49-21Dundee NYC
1870Aug 22Knickerbockers of New YorkMontreal Base Ball Club54-32MontrealMG 70Aug23. On grounds of the Montreal Lacrosse Club on Sherbrooke St. 
1870Aug 23London TecumsehsHamilton Mutuals47-14London LFP
1870Aug 24Hamilton MutualsLondon O.K.s10-9London3 innings; thunderstorm. See LFP 70Aug25. 
1870Aug 25London Morning StarsSt. Catharines Frontiers58-16St. Catharines LFP
1870Aug 27GuelphHamilton Mutual79-9Guelph  
1870Sep 01Woodstock StarIngersoll Young Drovers55-24WoodstockG&M 70Sep02. 
1870Sep 09Coaticook (PQ)Nonpareil Club of Stanstead (PQ)+2StansteadOIS 70Sep13. 
1870Sep 13Guelph Maple LeafsRochester Flour City45-17Rochester NYC, NYC
1870Sep 14Syracuse EckfordsGuelph21-15SyracuseMentioned in SDC 70Sep15 (Maple Leaves!).SDS
1870Sep 15GuelphOswego Ontario42-12Oswego  
1870Sep 19Rochester Flower CityHamilton Mutuals?HamiltonMentioned LFP 70Oct06. 
1870Sep 20Rochester Flower CityDundas Independents?DundasMentioned LFP 70Oct06. 
1870Sep 27London TecumsehsCleveland Grove City29-18London LFP
1870Sep 29GuelphHamilton Maple Leafs24-21Guelph  
1870Oct 05Rochester Flower CityLondon Tecumsehs22-14London LFP
1870Oct 06Woodstock Young CanadiansRochester Flower City45-34WoodstockSee GEM 70Oct10, LFP 70Oct06. 
1870Oct 07GuelphRochester Flower City47-8GuelphSee GEM 70Oct10. 
1870Oct 08Hamilton Maple LeafsRochester Flower City+1Hamilton5 innings. See GEM 70Oct10. 
1870Oct 15Seaforth CoopersWaterloo SeaforthMA 70Oct21.